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Benefits of Massage Therapy

There are tremendous benefits to be achieved through regular massage therapy treatments from a Registered Massage Therapist. Whether your need is to have a moment of relaxation, reduce muscle tension or attain relief from chronic pain, a therapeutic massage can enhance your overall sense of emotional and physical well-being.

Massage therapy can be an important part of your health maintenance plan by:

•Reducing or eliminating pain
•Improving joint mobility
•Improving circulation
•Improving lymphatic drainage
•Reducing muscular tension

Massage therapy can be used for the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs can work with a wide variety of patients, of all ages, in the treatment of illness, injury rehabilitation, and disability.

Massage Therapists today use their knowledge of physiology and anatomy to combine traditional Swedish and modern massage therapy techniques with other therapies to treat their clients. There has been a wide variety of research, published in peer-reviewed journals, proving the benefits of massage therapy for various conditions.

The following is a list of conditions for which massage therapy, when provided by a Registered Massage Therapist, can prove beneficial:

Anxiety and depression Gastrointestinal disorders Post-surgical rehabilitation
Asthma and Emphysema Headaches Pregnancy and labour support
Carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain)Inflammatory conditions
such as arthritis and bursitis
Sports injuries
Back, leg, and neck pain Insomnia Strains and sprains
Cancer symptoms Kyphosis and Scoliosis Stress and stress-related conditions
Chronic Fatigue syndrome Multiple Sclerosis Stroke
Dislocations Muscle tension and spasm Tendinitis
Fractures and edema Parkinson’s disease Whiplash
Fibromyalgia Palliative care